Phew it has been whirlwind of a month and I can’t believe it’s almost May! We were in San Francisco the week before last, and I just got back from a four day weekend celebrating Lindsay’s wedding up in Long Beach Island, New Jersey! It’s been hectic so I wanted to share some amazing parts of our trip to San Francisco while it is still fresh in my mind! We arrived early on a Saturday morning, so while waiting for our hotel room to be prepared, we kicked back downtown in Union Square and drank a few well deserved beers after almost six hours of flying. Once we checked in we headed to the Haight to check out Golden Gate State Park and soak in the neighborhood. The area felt like I was stepping back in time to the 60s and 70s, it was surreal. Also, while touring this neighborhood, I learned that bras are totally optional in SF so that was enlightening!
That night, Bryan found an awesome spot for dinner called Cha Cha Cha, which served up an eclectic mix of Caribbean, Cajun and Jamaican tapas. We ordered this ridiculous shrimp in a creamy spicy sauce and some fried potatoes with a house-made chile pasilla aioli, can you say yum?! Also, the chips and salsa were plentiful as were the sangria pitchers we ordered. 🙂
We ended the night with a stop at Bi-Rite Creamery where I indulged in a scoop of their roasted banana ice cream over a scoop dark chocolate. It was di-vine!
Visiting the Golden Gate Bridge was high on our to-do list, so off we went at 9:30am Sunday to check it out. Not going to lie, I was humming the “Full House” theme song in my head the whole bus ride there, ha! I snapped tons of pictures because the scenery is just so breathtaking. Seeing mountains against the shimmering water and taking in the whole area was one of the highlights of my trip!
Next post I’ll be sharing more about the food we indulged in during our time spent in the city. Also, I’ve got a serious travel bug now, where we going next, Bryan?!